Consumer electronic products refer to electronic products designed around consumer applications and closely related to life, work, and entertainment. The purpose of such electronic products is to enable consumers to freely choose, use and enjoy. Judging from the current definition and market situation, such products generally refer to emerging electronic products such as computers, mobile phones, tablets, cameras, and Bluetooth speakers that can be seen everywhere around our lives.

With the continuous development and improvement of the consumer electronics market, competition in the electronics market is becoming increasingly fierce. The market has very high requirements for the design, core technology, materials, appearance, etc. of new products.

The correct thinking model for consumer electronics product design should be CMF.

So what exactly is CMF?

CMF is the initials of Color, Material, and Finishing respectively, which is a simple summary of the three aspects of product color, material, and surface treatment. CMF design is a deep perceptual part that acts on the design object and connects and interacts with the design object and the user. It is mostly used in the detailed processing of color, material, processing and other design objects in product design. It is an important component of product design. part.

For a long time, the design techniques of consumer electronic products have been carried out step by step according to traditional design thinking. Designers usually follow a set of design processes: product creativity – sketch – modeling – prototype model. In such a process, designers need to repeatedly refine and refine.

When designing a product, the first factor that designers consider is usually the appearance of the product. However, designers often encounter the problem that after the product styling is completed, there is either no corresponding process or material support, or they cannot find a product that matches the temperament of the product. Color matching, these factors other than product styling interrupt the expected perfect product.

Nowadays, many designers still use this traditional design technique. However, this change in pure shape has also caused product differences to become smaller and smaller. By approaching design from the perspective of CMF, it is gradually becoming the mainstream of today’s consumer electronics. Emerging design thinking models for products. In the future, we will wait and see the design of consumer electronics products.