ISO management system certification also has such benefits for enterprises! Ningxia ISO9001 quality management system certification management certification
In addition to public bidding, management certification of local services, ISO management system certification of enterprises also have the benefits of such! A small summary of the whole article.

ISO three systems

Ningxia system certification, management certification consulting phone, Yinchuan system certification business operations without ISO9001 and ISO14001 and ISO45001 three management system specifications management, these three management system specifications apply to various fields, the world’s existing hundreds of thousands of enterprises, departments, service projects agencies and it various organizations to successfully get third-party verification.

Efficacy of ISO three system specifications

ISO9001: quality management system, for the enterprise’s quality control, recruiting preferential, many big customers stipulate enterprise this. ISO14001: natural environment management system, for the enterprise’s working environment, sewage treatment, green environmental protection, enterprise according to also do the definition of cui green green environmental protection. ISO45001: job safety and health management system, for the enterprise’s staff health Security, the enterprise according to indicate enterprise welfare, employee insurance, security precautions have very good enhancements Ningxia ISO9001 quality management system certification, Yinchuan ISO9001 quality management system certification.

Ningxia ISO9001 quality management system certification management certification Is it necessary for the certification scope to be actual goods?

If the scope of verification is not the actual commodity, but only a large category, such as mining machinery, the approval must be presented in three different mining machinery commodity manufacturing test records before the category can be applied. (At this stage, the scope of increasingly stringent restrictions, the future of such conditions will be reduced)

The following use a previous case, to express the verification of the scope is not the larger the better, in fact, the type of large is also a pain; an enterprise verification of the scope of “communication equipment”, then clearly put forward the scope is too wide, the enterprise management generation does not agree, after several discussions, after certification by “communication equipment “to the enterprise issued a certificate.

Subsequently, the enterprise took the certificate to participate in the recruitment, some bidding will be convenient to say, I am what communication equipment ah? Ningxia ISO9001 quality management system certification, Yinchuan ISO9001 quality management system certification

Is not all you can produce and manufacture? And some also said, your certificate which actual also did not confirm, the provisions of the presentation of samples. Even some bidding parties do not accept this “communication equipment” in the large category. Several times after the fall, the enterprise can only provide the organization to issue a certificate again in the “communications equipment” followed by (detailed breakdown) and issued with the company seal of the scope of the details.

What are the system certifications that are commonly available on the market?

System certification means that the company according to a third-party agency to the company’s management management system or goods, management certification fast, to carry out third-party review. The agency must be separate and fair.

Ningxia system certification, Yinchuan system certification system certification chemical subject activities gradually in the electronic device industry, in 1906 was established in the world’s early chemical body – chemical organization (IEC). Other technical areas of work originally had the International Trade Organization (InternationalFederationoftheNationalStandardizingAssociati, commonly known as ISA) founded in 1926, the key depends on the level of mechanical automation. the work of ISA because In 1946, representatives from 25 countries held a working meeting in New York, Ningxia management certification, the decision to establish a new international economic organization, its purpose is to promote international collaboration and the unification of industry standards. Therefore, the general name of the system certification ISO this new body was announced on February 23, 1947, the head office was built in Paris, France.

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